Rules for Us – Rules for Them

The practice of contacting the government with your opinion has always consisted of contacting your Representative and Senators. Those would be the Representative for your congressional district and the Senators for your state. Don’t contact any others as they only want to hear from their constituents, the people that live and are eligible to vote in their area of representation.

However, we live in an environment of two sets of rules.

Congress, generally the Republicans in Congress, have been generating legislation and approving Presidential appointments that are detrimental to the people that they theoretically represent as well as everyone else.  “Theoretically represent” is used because they don’t represent the interest of people who vote for them. They represent the interest of the Donor Class.

The Representatives, the Senators, and both political parties solicit money nation wide from non-voters and voters who are not within their area of representation. Some of these constituents are corporations which claim to be people even though they cannot vote, Political Action Committees which are also not people, and the Donor Class as individuals regardless of whether they are within the legislator’s area of representation.

It is well past time to change the rules and change convention. If Congress can solicit funds from, and represent the interest of these non-voters, those who are not eligible to vote for an individual legislator must be able to voice an opinion on matters that affect them. The current convention allows them to solicit money from anywhere and from non-voters, therefore, contact with voters they are affecting, regardless of where they live, should be acceptable.

If you call Representatives of another district or Senators from another state, they may hang up on you. They don’t want to hear from you. That doesn’t prevent anyone from calling after hours and leaving a voice mail message.

However, if you email, fax, tweet, or mail your opinion, they will see the volume of comments even if they disregard them.

It is time to level the playing field and inundate the legislators who are actively dismantling the United States as we know it. Call and write all of them frequently.



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